In this Blog we plan on sharing with you answers to the 10 most common questions we hear at Atlantic Insurance & Benefit Co. when it comes to SR22 Insurance here in NH.
What is a NH SR-22?
Many people consider NH SR22 a type of insurance- it is ACTUALLY A CERTIFICATE that a NH Car insurance company sends the NH DMV that verifies that you have auto insurance.
Who needs an SR22 in NH?
In NH while car insurance is NOT required for all drivers - there are times when a NH Resident may be required to provide proof of financial responsibility- or in laymen's terms get a NH SR22. They are
- DWI - (1st, 2nd, Subsequent, and Aggravated) and Underage DWI (also called DUI in NH)
- Convicted of Leaving Scene of Accident
- Reckless Driving Conviction
- Excessive Demerit Points on your license
- Driving after License Revocation
What does an SR-22 Cost here in NH?
The cost of an NH SR-22 - the certificate sent to the NH DMV to prove you have insurance is cheap- just $25. But the cost of an SR22 here in NH varies by person. The ACTUAL COST of SR-22 will depend upon your age, driving record, accident history, credit, occupation and a bunch of other rating factors. A quick call to our agency 603-882-2909 we can quote and issue an SR-22 right over the phone- if you need proof we have the pink slip (see picture) that you can bring to NH DMV to get your license reinstated. Need an SR22 quote? Use our simple online quote request here. We usually can return NH SR22 insurance quote via email within 60 minutes.
How do you get an SR22 in New Hampshire?
Getting an SR-22 here in NH is as easy as applying for car insurance. You can call an insurance agency like our firm that specializes in NH state responsibility or you can even call an insurance company directly.
One of the advantages to working with our firm is that we can offer same day SR-22 Form- or commonly called a "Pink Slip". See actual picture of NH Sr22 here:
What are the different kinds of SR22 Insurance here in NH?
There are 3 different kinds of SR-22 in NH:
1. The operator's certificate (most common)
2. The owner's certificate
3. The owner's/operator's certificate
What does an SR-22 cover in NH?
SR22 insurance will cover property damage and any liability arising from an accident in which the reinstated motorist is involved. It is called as financial responsibility or state responsibility insurance because it covers the motorist's liability to others if he/she gets involved in an accident.
How Long will I require an SR-22 in NH?
The answer to this question varies- but the for most offenses the answer is 36 months.
Can I be denied an SR-22 in NH?
NH is called a "take all comers" state when it comes to auto insurance. So you cannot be denied an SR-22. "Refusal to write an SR22 by an insurer or producer/agent would violate the statutes requiring proof of financial responsibility and NH “take all comers” requirement." (This is directly from a brochure written by the NH Insurance Department- this brochure can be downloaded here.)
Can I appeal the NH SR-22 Requirement?
Yes. Some people will hire an attorney to help appeal the decision, or to fight a DUI. In NH, we recommend a law firm that specializes in NH Sr-22. Please visit Shepherd and Osborne here.
Here is the actual answer form the NH insurance Dept. FAQ on SR-22
"Once the “at-fault,” uninsured operator has received a suspension notice he/she has 30 days to request a hearing and discuss his/her concerns relative to the uninsured,“at-fault” accident. "
Where can I go for more info on NH SR-22 Financial responsibility requirements?
There are a few resources that we recommend - please see helpful links listed below:
NH Division of Motor Vehicles SR-22 Page
NH Insurance Department Auto Insurance & SR-22 FAQ brochure
Understanding the SR-22 requirement- NerdWallet Financial Website SR-22 FAQ
Progressive 3 Things you Should Know about SR22 (Progressive is one of our Preferred SR-22 Partners!)
Visit the NH SR22 Insurance BLOG
We don't expect you to be an auto insurance and SR22 coverage expert- that's our job!
Thanks for visiting our blog. Please give us a call 603-882-2909 and we will answer any questions you may have about NH Sr22 coverage. We are here to can walk you through the process and help you get the most affordable SR22 car insurance coverage available here in NH.
Atlantic Insurance & Benefit Co specializes in NH SR-22 auto insurance in Nashua, Concord, Hooksett, Manchester, Derry, Hudson, Hollis, Amherst and Merrimack NH.