When buying insurance, customers often want more than just the lowest price. They want coverage that meets their needs, and they want to know the carrier they choose will be there when they need it. Here are three benefits of Safeco Auto Insurance.
- Complete coverage: Safeco Auto includes several added features at no additional cost. Customers are covered up to $10,000 for reimbursement of first aid to others after an accident, and deductibles are waived if a policyholder has a collision with another Safeco Insurance® customer.
- Additional protection at an excellent value: SafeCo's highest level of protection, Optimum Package Plus™, can cost as little as $8 extra per month. And customers receive a diminishing collision deductible, personal property coverage for items stolen from a vehicle, and electronic lock and key replacement with no deductible.
- Convenience: SafeCo offers simple billing statements that customers can understand, along with plenty of flexibility when it comes to policies and payment options.