As a broker who specializes in group health insurance here in NH I am often asked about Association Health Plans. Small and medium sized NH employers are hopeful that some day they will be able to get together with OTHER employers to get lower health insurance premiums.
The Affordable Care Act made it extremely difficult to create Association Health Plans- however- recent Trump administration efforts have relaxed the rules paving the way for these types of plans to be established.
There are currently 2 bills in the NH Senate that address association health plans, they are:
Senate Bill 227
introduced by by Jeb Bradley R-Wolfeboro
designed to create more flexibility for small employer groups and would allow self-insured to participate also, with some consumer protections built in.
Senate Bill 228
introduced by Senate Majority Leader Dan feltes D - Concord
has more consumer protections and states that any new alternative would NOT cause rates in the individual market to go up.
Hearings for both Senate Bills are expected to be announced shortly.
If you want more information there is an excellent article written by Bob Sanders of the NH Business Review here.