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- $50 copay at Urgent Care facility vs. $250 Copay at Emergency Room
- $100 copay for surgery done at Ambulatory Surgical Center vs. paying a $2000 or $3000 deductible at a hospital
- 100% Coverage at Preferred Labs
Often the member can save money on their out-patient test AND receive a cash reward from Anthem.
"These two programs are really helpful tools for employees," says Steve Donohue,NH Health insurance broker with Atlantic Benefit Company. "In the past 5 years employee out of pocket costs have risen dramatically, and Anthem offers great tools to save employees money. The Compass smart shopper program is a way for employees to save money AND get paid when they seek more affordable care!"
Please see a recent postcard sent to Anthem Members- or visit this link to see a video explain these two great programs in more detail.
To learn MORE about how your employees can get MORE from their benefits call us today at 603-882-2909.
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