The answer unfortunately is "it depends..." We know no one likes this answer.
The cost of an NH SR22 is really based upon the underlying cost of buying insurance- and the cost of insurance here in NH varies based upon age, education level, credit history, motor vehicle record (accident, speeding tickets & convictions) and a variety of other factors.
The SR22 is a standard form in the car insurance industry- it is also referred to as proof of financial responsibility. Most of the NH SR-22 insurers only charge $15-$25 for submitting the Proof of Financial Responsibility SR22 form paperwork to the NH DMV.
In NH if you have been found guilty of the following you may need a NH SR-22:
- an auto accident when you did not have any insurance
- a DUI
- deemed a habitual offender
- leaving the scene of an accident
Also the NH DMV can require you to obtain an SR22 if your NH driver's license has been suspended or revoked.
Here at Atlantic Insurance & Benefit we specialize in helping people get an SR-22 in order to keep their driver's license-or if they have lost their license an SR22 may be required to get it back.
We have a more detailed article about NH SR22 Insurance Here if you are interested.
If you have questions or need NH SR22 insurance please call us today at 603-882-2909-or to request an SR22 quote just complete this simple form- it will only take a few minutes.